The Fairy princess

Niamh weighed in at 8lbs, 7oz, and was 20 and 3/4 inches long. As for her name Niamh (pronounced as Neeve) it's Gaelic meaning "luster, shine, radiance, brilliance". Niamh is also the name of a faerie princess from celtic mythology:
One day while out hunting with Finn and the Fena, Oisin (the son of Finn) saw a beautiful maiden on a white steed ride swiftly towards them. As she came slowly to the presence of Finn, he addressed her courteously in these words, "Who art thou, O lovely youthful princess? Tell us thy name and the name of thy country, and relate to us the cause of thy coming". She answered in a sweet and gentle voice, "Noble king of the Fena, I am the daughter of the king of Tir na nog and my name is Niamh of the Golden Hair. I love thy noble son Oisin; and this is what has brought me to Erin." She took Oisin on her white steed to Tir na nog, the land of never ending youth. The steed galloped swiftly and smoothly towards the west, till he reached the strand; and then moved over the face of the sea with the speed of a cloud-shadow on a March day....
In a similar familial vein, I recently scanned a few old (and somewhat damaged) pictures from Tracy's youth, and did some retouching. Those photo's are available here